So to start with, this is me. I go by Molly, but my real name is Magdalena. This blog should have been started long, long ago. Well, it sort of was, but there have been many failed attempts where I just got bored of it or forgot I had even started (which hopefully won't happen this time around.)
I live in a city. Not a large one, but one big enough where I can get a little lost walking, and really lost driving. It can be a lonely place, despite all the people, but it can also be very welcoming with all its over-priced coffee shops and hungry seagulls.
I am currently of the age of 21. Yes, it is a very good age to be. I had no countdown to my birthday. I like being young. Every year when I celebrate my birthday it just reminds me of the old lady that I most likely will become some day. Old and gray. Maybe not such a bad life, but for now, I like feeling youthful. I will probably feel ancient next year when I turn 22.
So this blog doesn't really have an exact purpose. It is for your entertainment, and maybe a slight cure to some of my boredom. (And in case I can't remember anything when I DO get old.) I will post about great things like epic travels and many thoughts and sights I've seen. But don't be surprised if I post things about cakes I've baked, or maybe how I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night while on my way to get a pair of socks. Yes, that has happened.
So please, feel free to follow, comment, and/or disregard anything that might be incoherent ramblings.
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