Sunday, July 11, 2010

Redirection of thoughts.

So. Because of recent events in my personal life I've had a few very stressful, emotional few days. You know, the kind of days where you want something to do but can't make yourself do it. Not wanting to talk to anyone but then feeling lonely by your self inflicted isolation. That's where I was at. So, when I woke this morning feel refreshed and slightly more upbeat, I decided to ignore the rain and pretend that it was a sunny, relaxing, day.

I woke up, laid in bed reading the first few pages of the 'Poisonwood Bible' for about the 10th time. I really don't know if I ever will get past page 5. I hear that with that particular book, it's hard to get started, but then you get really into it. I think I would have to agree. Mostly with the first part.

Next I put on my favorite sun-dress (yes, I knew it was raining), packed my backpack with my Camera, lenses, water, and headed out the door for a nature walk. As I drove closer to my destination, it started to rain harder, to the point where I couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of me. At least I would be cooled off.

So there I was, walking on a muddy trail, camera in hand, walking the wrong way (according to a man with an umbrella.) to which I replied, "Oh, this is just the way I want to go, I love the rain." Funny how even a nice warm rain made everyone run back to their cars. I snapped a few photos then stowed my camera away and just enjoyed the rest of the walk. I didn't rush, the rain really did feel great. External Hydration. By the time I made the loop and was back at my car I was soaking wet from head to toe and had a huge smile on my face. The man at the park entrance said to me, "Have a nice stroll?" and I just replied "The best."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From the beginning.

So to start with, this is me. I go by Molly, but my real name is Magdalena. This blog should have been started long, long ago. Well, it sort of was, but there have been many failed attempts where I just got bored of it or forgot I had even started (which hopefully won't happen this time around.)

I live in a city. Not a large one, but one big enough where I can get a little lost walking, and really lost driving. It can be a lonely place, despite all the people, but it can also be very welcoming with all its over-priced coffee shops and hungry seagulls.

I am currently of the age of 21. Yes, it is a very good age to be. I had no countdown to my birthday. I like being young. Every year when I celebrate my birthday it just reminds me of the old lady that I most likely will become some day. Old and gray. Maybe not such a bad life, but for now, I like feeling youthful. I will probably feel ancient next year when I turn 22.

So this blog doesn't really have an exact purpose. It is for your entertainment, and maybe a slight cure to some of my boredom. (And in case I can't remember anything when I DO get old.) I will post about great things like epic travels and many thoughts and sights I've seen. But don't be surprised if I post things about cakes I've baked, or maybe how I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night while on my way to get a pair of socks. Yes, that has happened.

So please, feel free to follow, comment, and/or disregard anything that might be incoherent ramblings.